The Ukrainian military is inflicting “extremely heavy” damage on Russian forces in the Vuhledar region, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Sunday.“The situation is very difficult. And we fight. We are defeating the invaders and inflicting extremely heavy damage on Russia,” Zelenskyyy said in an evening video message.Zelenskyyy mentioned several towns in the Donbass where the fighting has been going on for several months, noting that “the more Russia loses in the Donbass – in Bakhmut, Vuhledar, Marinka, Kremennaya – the sooner we can end this war with a victory for Russia. ‘Ukraine”.After a long meeting of the military command, Zelenskyyy described the situation in other areas.According to him, “very good results” have been achieved on the border with Russia and Belarus, in areas where Ukrainian troops had previously retaken a number of towns previously captured by these Russian invaders.“I want our people now to have the predictability and the feeling that Ukraine is moving towards its goals,” Zelenskyyy said.
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