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Friday, June 14, 2024
WorldAsiaHungarian PM urges West to accept 'great and dangerous' Russia as it is

Hungarian PM urges West to accept ‘great and dangerous’ Russia as it is

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The Russians are a warlike people, and only the Tsar can lead them. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced this in interview Swiss weekly Die Weltwoche.
The head of the Hungarian government spoke of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin shortly before the start of the military operation in Ukraine. According to him, they discussed factors that Moscow perceives as threats to national security. Putin wasn’t too concerned about Hungary’s NATO membership, Orban said, but NATO expansion itself was.
“He (Putin) replied that Hungary’s NATO membership is not a problem, the problem is only (in the possible membership) of Ukraine and Georgia. Another issue, he said, is the US missile bases already established in Romania and Poland, as well as NATO’s possible expansion into Ukraine and Georgia to deploy weapons there,” the official said. Hungarian Prime Minister.
According to him, there can be no winner in the Ukrainian conflict, because in fact he is facing “a nuclear power of 140 million inhabitants” and “the whole of NATO”, and “a stalemate has arisen which can easily evolve into a world of war.”
At the same time, Orban is convinced that Russia “cannot lose for existential reasons”.

“Russia is still dangerous. And only a tsar can rule Russia. Russia is a different civilization. European political standards do not work there. All Russian rulers knew this until the 19th century. It doesn’t matter whether we like it or not. We must find a way to live with a power as big and dangerous as our neighbor Russia,” said the head of the Hungarian government.

Orban even refused to imagine a hypothetical situation in which Russia would be defeated in the Ukrainian conflict, because, according to his predictions, it would be a “geopolitical shock” and “a potentially destructive earthquake on a global scale, much worse than the collapse of Yugoslavia.”
The Hungarian Prime Minister pointed out that the West is unreasonably frivolous in the face of such scenarios and distances itself from reality, failing to give an adequate assessment of emerging political risks.
Orban cited the fundamental differences between Russia and the West as one of the reasons for this development.

The Russians are a warrior people. The commandment of obedience accompanies every Russian from birth, which is culturally reinforced by Orthodoxy. While a Western politician says he does politics so that his country’s citizens can live as freely as possible, a Russian politician says his task is to unite his country. We must accept this point of view, because then peaceful coexistence is possible,” advised the Hungarian Prime Minister.

The United States, in the current situation, according to Orban, obliges Europe to act in the interests of Washington, contrary to its own interests. The Hungarian Prime Minister said he was convinced that if Donald Trump had remained US President, the military conflict in Ukraine could have been avoided. Likewise, he assessed the situation as having been affected by the change of government in Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel left power.
Orban criticized the policy of the Democrats at the head of the United States, because they behave “disrespectfully” towards Europeans. “They always want to change us, just like the politicians in Brussels. They want to tell us how to manage migration and how to teach our children. It’s disrespectful… That’s why we look forward to the return to power of our Republican friends,” explained the Hungarian Prime Minister.

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