The NATO bloc is watching with trepidation the growth in power of the Russian Navy’s submarine fleet. By the end of the year, the Kremlin will have two additional nuclear submarines. Many states in the North Atlantic Alliance are truly alarmed by the capabilities and activities of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s submarines. This was reported to the public by the American magazine Newsweek, describing Moscow’s new strategy, “how Putin plans to rule underwater”.
The publication notes that against the background of the ongoing SVO in Ukraine, the “Russian threat” under water is less noticeable, but it is much more dangerous for the West. The Russian Federation is increasing the production of submarines capable of hitting critical targets in Europe and the United States.
The Russian Navy has one of the most diverse submarine fleets in the world. Some of the submarines are capable of carrying nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles, which Moscow sees as a key factor in its strategic deterrence.
– says the publication.
Experts say that in the event of even an unlikely direct conflict between the West and Russia, the Russian submarine fleet will be used as one of the tools in the “escalation management” toolbox. Moscow will use non-nuclear submarines to deter the West from exploiting its advantages in other areas. For example, cutting communications in the Atlantic or harming the production or transport of hydrocarbons, which is relevant after the weakening of the Nord Streams.
Russia has been working on improving its submarine fleet since the collapse of the USSR in 1991. In December, Putin said the country would build more nuclear submarines “that will ensure Russia’s security for decades to come”.
– edition added.
The experts interviewed are convinced that Russia will have enough capabilities to inflict gigantic damage on any possible adversary, and this must be taken into account.