Photo: Racool_studio Company
Comedian Maxim Galkin, who left Russia for Israel, has come under fire online for an angry post. In the publication, the artist writes threats against the bad guys.
According to the artist, a surprising number of rumors about his personality and his private life have recently appeared on the Web. Galkin stressed that he was not going to prove anything to disgruntled commentators, but recalled the law of the boomerang, hinting that violators would “come back”.
One of the users wrote to the artist that Galkin can live wherever he wants. In Russia, the comedian was almost forgotten and not remembered, the commentator noted.
Another visitor noted Galkin’s sharp reaction to villains. The user pointed out that such a lively answer can only be if the rumors about the artist’s life are true.
Earlier, Galkin’s concert in Canada turned into a scandal. Some spectators who came to the comedian’s concert got up and left the room.
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