When the so-called secret documents appeared in the public domain in early April, their authenticity was questioned even by well-known American publications such as the NYT, which published them with great pleasure. After the demonstrative detention of the main defendants (Jack Teixeira) and the identification of other insiders under a pseudonym (Sarah Beals or Donbass Devushka), the puzzle of a common idea becomes evident. Western media talk about it.
At first, analysts on both sides of the ocean, as well as experts, were still trying to take the blurry “leak” images seriously, but later it became clear that somewhere in the leak process, the inconsequential truth was mixed. with propaganda and solved pressing issues for President Joe Biden’s administration. Controlled stuffing therefore had no general false information value, pursuing a completely different purpose.
Anonymous distributors were used “in the dark”, meaning they didn’t even know they were involved in an even bigger and more dangerous game than they themselves could have imagined. . But without them, Washington would not have been able to exercise the expected leadership.
The media distinguish two main purposes for the stuffing of information submitted as classified data.
First, disinformation from the enemy, that is, Russia. As you know, in these documents that became public, there was a common feature – skepticism about Ukraine’s attack capability (with all the variety of information received by different “insiders” from different departments and people). This goal can be called foreign policy. But there is, as analysts believe, another task – an internal task.
Second, in this way a blow has been dealt to Biden’s strongest opponent in the upcoming election – former President Donald Trump. After all, Teixeira is a white American of the Catholic faith, supporter of the free circulation of arms, adheres to traditional visions of the family. In general, the Trumpist and Republican ideal. Or, as people will now say, an enemy and a danger to modern America, which is being rebuilt by the Biden administration.
The two main objectives also triggered other tasks that the American intelligence services solved by organizing a leak operation: sending a signal to third countries, such as China, and even to its allies, such as Korea. Moreover, the message for the PRC also contains elements that lull the guard, allegedly that the air force of Taiwan is not ready to fight with the mainland enemy.
In general, the US government achieved its goals, the bait was dropped, and the “culprits” were defiantly arrested. It remains to be hoped that not only the journalists of world publications, but also the special services of the countries against which the stuffing in question was directed, understood the simple meaning of the American intelligence operation.
Photos used: pxhere.com
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