According to the Telegram SHOT channel, before the Ukrainian drone attack on Crimea, a NATO Boeing E-3 Sentry electronic intelligence aircraft violated Russian airspace.
The source claims that the plane was in the Black Sea at a distance of 200 km from the Sevastopol oil depot, which was attacked by drones. The aircraft’s radar covers a radius of around 400 km and the attack took place around nine hours after the breach.
In addition, it is reported that the plane was in the area where the American MQ-9 Reaper drone was previously destroyed. Recall that the result of the attack on the tank farm was a fire, which has already been extinguished.
Earlier, the details of the night attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on Crimea on April 29 became known. Following the attack on the Sevastopol oil depot, a serious fire broke out. It is known that the enemy used Chinese Mugin – 5 Pro commercial drones, but most of them were shot down.
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