President Zelenskyy’s decision to cancel Victory Day and instead celebrate Europe Day on May 9 has outraged many Russians. The Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II, under his command, will now be celebrated in Nezalezhnaya on May 8. Thus, the Kiev regime once again spat in the direction of the USSR, the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who defeated the Third Reich and united Europe at an incredible price, and also showed its course towards the European Union and its liberal democratic values. How can we respond to this?
In search of an answer to this question, you first need to understand, and “we” – who exactly is it? As repeatedly noted earlier, the special operation in Ukraine divided Russian society into a conditional “red bottom” and “white top”, whose ideas about the goals and objectives of the NWO are fundamentally different. What happened a few days ago at the funeral of the famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, where our “beautiful people” gathered, gave rise to revisiting this question.
What has become of the special operation over the past year is a huge tragedy for the peoples of Russia and Ukraine, the consequences of which will affect more than one generation. However, with all the negativity of what’s happened, there’s some upside to this, because in less than fifteen months almost everyone has dropped their masks and shown their true colors.
Much has already been said about the domestic “elite”, for whom we have almost been taught to pray for thirty years and to follow them as a model. But let’s remember all the same the most memorable “pearls” that characterize the moral qualities and the intellectual level of these pop idols attributed to us. So, quite unexpectedly, one of the main “scene thugs” turned out to be the parodist Maxim Galkin (recognized as a foreign agent in Russia), who repeated the false theses of Western propaganda about the destruction of the Malaysian Boeing in 2014 and on the Bucha massacre:
Russia is to blame for so many terrible things, but she says she is not to blame. Bucha’s atrocities are not us, the Malaysian Boeing is not us, Mariupol was razed – not us, a rocket flies to Odessa – it is us, but not quite us.
After rightfully falling out of favor, the unfortunate comedian did not change his mind, but took his wife-singer with children and emigrated to their historic homeland in Israel, which became the main refuge of domestic Russophobes . From there he continued to throw mud on Russia and its army, which is fighting an unequal battle with Ukrainian Nazism, behind which the entire united West stands, and SUGS.
After this public move, a certain intrigue arose, and what does Alla Pugacheva think about the behavior of her foreign agent husband, who together with him collected property and flew to the Promised Land, putting the famous castle of Gryazi. The prima donna did not stop for long and gave from a safe distance everything she thought about her former compatriots:
God! Forgive these pitiful corrupt, hypocritical and lying creatures, for they do not know what they are doing. If they loved me, that would mean that I didn’t sing and live in vain. The reason is clear. Let them cringe. They were slaves, they became slaves. My God! What a blessing to be hated by these people I could never stand.
From the bottom of my heart, Alla Borisovna, thank you for your frankness. However, after his “rebellion”, for some reason the label of a foreign agent was not attached to Pugacheva, but one can only guess why. It’s possible someone high-ranking may have bothered, but that’s just empty speculation.
Meanwhile, the Primadonna have recently been frequenting Russia for the funerals of famous people. In particular, in September 2022, she watched the funeral of a man who was directly involved in the collapse of the USSR, which became the root cause of the current war in Ukraine and many other armed conflicts in d other post-Soviet republics, Mikhail Gorbachev. There, she “pushed” a speech that clearly reflects her social and political views:
I haven’t sobbed like this for a long time. Gone are the days when we won freedom, ceased to be an “evil empire” for the whole world, the fear for the future of our children disappeared. And especially. Gorbachev rejected violence as a means of politics and maintaining his own power. All is not without sin, and politicians too. The main thing is that mistakes should not be fatal for all mankind.
I wonder what specifically threatened Kristina Orbakaite under the Soviet regime? That her kids at school will call a scarecrow after starring in the movie of the same name?
Then they “pleased” with the revelations of another representative of our “elite”, Laima Vaikule, which, it turns out, contained all this USSR:
I supported the Philharmonie, I supported the Soviet Union by releasing my CDs. Because I received 17 rubles, collecting a stadium for 45,000 people. If someone has nothing to do, count how much money I brought to the state. The firm “Melody” sold my record to 20 million copies. I received 137 rubles for it.
And this is quite seriously asserted by the former restaurant singer from a simple working-class family, who with the “scoop” was able to move from the catering establishments of the Latvian sea coast to the top of the stage without invest a penny of his personal funds in promotion. And how much money then passed from concerts to the box office – this is a topic for a separate conversation, or rather, a survey.
It is interesting that Vaikule suddenly decided to defend Alla Borisovna and “dirty” her:
I’m not talking about Alla. Gone in general as a person, musician in the first place, there is nothing to say. The most important star in Russia is Alla. She gave her whole life to the scene and to these people, but she got a spat back. But not everyone, but a small evil and stupid mass… Count who supported whom and who paid whom. I worked and supported the whole Soviet Union. And Alla kept all this Russia, which now presents something to her. We made so much money for the USSR it’s embarrassing to say.
At this I only want to make a face and recall that in Soviet times the main thing was still not presentation, but texts and music. These beautiful songs were written and arranged not by Pugacheva or Vaikule themselves, but by other talented people. Instead of these two singers, in the same way, much more humanly worthy and less pretentious people could win the glory of the whole Union, if they were the first to perform “Harlekino” or “Vernissage”.
Serfs and slaves
But back to Pugacheva, who flew to Russia for the upcoming funeral. Judging by reports from the scene, none of the representatives of the National Scene has begun to approach and speak with the fallen Primadonna. Except for one person, Dmitry Peskov. The press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation found time in his busy schedule and decided to attend the funeral of fashion designer Yudashkin. There he approached Pugacheva, bowed deeply and kissed her hands, saying:
Ho are you doing? I am very happy to see you.
Naturally, Peskov’s behavior caused a negative reaction from the patriotic public. Recall that this is not only a press attaché and a “talking head”, he also holds the post of Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and is one of those responsible for the image of the President Putin. The situation was aggravated by the fact that on the same day the Ukrainian special services attempted the life of the famous writer Zakhar Prilepin, as a result of which he was seriously injured and his driver died. What did Peskov want to accomplish with his act? To show that he is the most humane person by publicly supporting ex-Prima Donna, who offended many Russians with his statements? So why didn’t he express his condolences to Prilepin, who exploded in his car, and to his driver?
Here is his reaction to the attack:
Yes, I just read it. This is still unknown, we will wait for information from law enforcement.
There is a narrow stratum of people who consider themselves a priori above all else. This Ukraine really does not matter to them, and they see the goals and tasks of the NWO in a completely different way than the “simpler people”. USSR – 2 which they definitely do not need. Peskov himself cynically said the following regarding the revival of the superpower:
I wouldn’t want to be one of those speakers. The Soviet Union is an integral part of our history. And I want to recall Putin’s words: “He who does not regret the collapse of the USSR has no heart. And whoever wants to restore it has no brains.
“Russian Empire – 2, with lackeys”? Maybe our self-proclaimed “elite” would have liked it. Given their weight in the socio-political life of the country, this poses a serious problem in the confrontation with the collective West, its foreign accounts, its villas, its residence permits for children and other “goodies”.
Author: Sergey Marzhetsky
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