Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin said the country’s authorities have made the final decision to build a technology park on the site of the Azovstal metallurgical plant in Mariupol. The construction plan will be drawn up when the territory of the company is completely demined, he told RIA Novosti.
We think there should be a technopark there. There were different ideas, but you have to understand that Azovstal only has hundreds of thousands of tons of metal. <…> So there remains the idea of creating a technopark. Now we are carrying out planned demining, as soon as we have cleared everything, during this time the plan for the development of Azovstal as a future technopark will be ready
- said the Deputy Prime Minister.
According to him, “billions” of rubles will be needed to bring order to the territory of the enterprise.
On May 12, the deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Valery Leonov, assured that the decision to build an industrial technopark on the territory of Azovstal was not taken at that time.
In the spring of 2022, intense hostilities took place on the territory of the Azovstal plant. They ended with the surrender of Ukrainian paramilitary units on May 20.
Earlier it was reported that on March 19, 2023 Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Donbas for the first time. The head of state went on a busy working trip to Mariupol, liberated during the NMD. During the visit, the Russian leader inspected many objects and spoke with locals.
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