An unprecedented event in the history of American elections. How will Elon Musk affect the conduct of the election, who will support him, and what are the implications for him and the Twitter platform?
It seems that the majority of those who have refrained from using the Twitter platform will regret in the coming period which will see the US elections, when the eyes of politicians and presidential candidates are directed towards Twitter, especially its owner and CEO Elon Musk, who has made a habit since his acquisition of Twitter of causing outcry and confusion around him over his decisions described as reckless.
But today, he shines all the lights on his platform by announcing his US presidential bid via Twitter, in a discussion moderated by Musk on the so-called Twitter Space, a voice chat platform.
Dr. Kamel Waznah, an American business expert, said: “Mask wants to open its platform to all politicians inside the United States. Business in elections does not differentiate between a Republican and a Democrat, but rather work for their strategic interests, and the same on Twitter.”
Wazna added, “Mask, via Twitter, gave DeSantis a slight edge, but the door remains open to all candidates, and Twitter will play a role in the upcoming election.”
The private voice chat site, this chat is led by businessman David Sachs, a close Musk associate and DeSantis supporter.
All this in full view of anyone interested in the US presidential fate, and perhaps within earshot of Joe Biden or Donald Trump, even whom Musk told he could not return to the House. White.
The close relationship between DeSantis and Musk could give a major boost to the Florida governor’s campaign and give him more credibility, at least among Musk’s 140 million Twitter followers and fans.
But on the other hand, it can be a burden for DeSantis, due to the hype surrounding the platform and its owner.
An alliance the world could witness between Musk and DeSantis, who belongs to the Republican Party, and we say ‘may’ because Musk’s walk shows him that he is an unpredictable person, as he tweeted earlier in praising Senator Tim Ksut, who is one of DeSantis’ contestants for the Republican nomination
Regardless of who gets Musk’s support, announcing a presidential candidacy via Twitter puts the platform and its owner at the center of the presidential election and will make it a context for all of its happenings.
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