US authorities could ban the social network X if Democrat Kamala Harris is elected US president, warned Elon Musk. The entrepreneur and owner of the platform publicly expressed his concern about freedom of expression in the North American country against the backdrop of the presidential elections.”
The attacks this year on free speech are unprecedented in the 21st century. It will happen in America too if Kamala/Walz gain power,” the billionaire, who supports Republican candidate Donald Trump in the presidential race, wrote on X. Musk’s concern is largely due to recent events in Brazil, where the social network faced serious legal problems and had to suspend its services.
The attacks this year on free speech are unprecedented in the 21st century.
It will happen in America too if Kamala/Walz gain power.
Just listen to what they’ve said.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 30, 2024
On August 17, X closed its office in the South American country, which with more than 212 million inhabitants is one of its most important markets. The restriction on the platform will be in effect until it pays fines for non-compliance with court orders and appoints a legal representative in Brazilian territory.
“Under Brazilian law, that would mean up to 20 years in prison. And, I’m sorry to say that it appears that some former Twitter employees were complicit in helping him do so. Anyone with examples or evidence to this effect, please reply to this post,” Musk said.
This measure put an end to months of intense controversy between Alexandre de Moraes, a star judge in Brazil and popular for his fight against disinformation, and Elon Musk. In turn, the latter declared that he would seek to have the US confiscate assets belonging to the Brazilian government for the suspension of the social network X in the Latin American country.
“Fake judge” forces Apple and Google to remove X from their app stores, Musk wrote. He believes that something similar will also “happen” in the US “if Kamala is elected” president in the elections next November.