In an unusual and surprising move, senior US government officials announced that they will consider stopping the transfer of weapons to Israel if there is no significant improvement in the transfer of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Tensions between the US and Israel are reaching a new peak due to the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.
According to reports, the US is concerned about the humanitarian situation in Gaza. Blinken and Austin claim that IDF evacuation orders have led to the concentration of approximately 1.7 million Palestinians in a small area in Moasi, exposing them to disease. In addition, international aid organizations find it difficult to respond to needs, and aid trucks are delayed at the border crossings According to the Americans, the amount of aid that entered Gaza in September is the lowest in the last year, and they demand that Israel take concrete steps to improve the situation within 30 days.
The American Aid Act regulates the transfer of military aid from the US to foreign countries, including Israel. In this framework, Israel receives annual aid of 3.8 billion dollars, of which 500 million is designated for active air defense. The law allows the American government to condition the transfer of aid on meeting certain conditions
An American arms embargo on Israel would be a dramatic step with significant consequences. Israel is very dependent on American military aid, especially in areas such as air defense Stopping the supply of weapons and spare parts could harm the IDF’s operational capabilities. this is reported on Channel 12 of Israel Television.
However, it is important to note that at this point it is only a threat, and the American administration has not taken any practical steps in this direction. Israel and the US will likely try to reach an understanding before reaching such an extreme situation.