“צ.י תעשיות מזון יבנה בע”מ” informed people with soy allergy that soy allergen was detected during the inspection of raw material suppliers. In this regard, allergen residues The following production codes: 345.22 to 363.22 and expiration dates: 06/11/23 to 06/29/23, in products:
3 kg blocks – Dutch Edam cheese style, Dutch Edam cheese style with dill and garlic, Dutch Edam cheese style with olives, spicy-smoky Mexican taste.
1 kg blocks – Dutch and smoked.
200 gram slices – good yolk 5%, good smoked yolk 5%, good yolk 9%.
350 gram slices – Dutch style, spicy, smoked, mozzarella.
Chopped Dutchman – 500 grams.
With production codes: from 345.22 to 363.22 and expiry dates: from 03/11/23 to 03/29/23, in the products:
Grated pizzarella – 500 grams.
Italian pizza – 500 grams.
The company assures that “for reasons of prudence and responsibility towards customers, it is working to remove products from the shelves of the chains.
Customers allergic to soy are advised not to consume products with the above production codes.
This product is safe to consume by customers who are not allergic to soy or the allergens listed on the package.
Customers with a soy allergy who have purchased products may contact customer service for a refund.
“צ.י תעשיות מזון יבנה בע”מ” informed the Ministry of Health’s Food Service of the details of the situation.
If you have any questions, you can contact the company’s customer service center on 08-9436492 and the support representatives will be happy to help you.