Scientists from Israel and the Kaplan Medical Center have warned about the dangers of green tea, which worsens the stable functioning of the human liver.
Despite the many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, green tea is a danger to human health. It’s all about quantity, doctors say.
The beneficial role of tea in improving metabolism, hormonal levels and brain function has been proven by many studies. It turned out that the harm lies in the botanical toxins that are found in tea leaves. Abundant drinking of this drink provoked liver failure.
“Of course, severe liver disease due to the use of green tea is rare,” the scientists noted.
However, cases, albeit rare, still exist. Writes about it Sandpiper with reference to GastroHep magazine and the Jerusalem Post.
“People who drink a lot of green tea should be aware that this product can cause serious liver failure,” experts warned.
This means that you need to be careful about the amount. Do not forget that a small portion of high-quality freshly brewed green tea, drunk a couple of hours after eating, is unlikely to adversely affect health. Tonic properties, vitamins and antioxidants in the composition will help boost immunity.
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