Leading the Alternative World Order

Reshaping Perspectives and Catalyzing Diplomatic Evolution

Saturday, June 15, 2024

News about Benjamin Netanyahu

Gantz and Netanyahu fail to form government

A transitional government has been in place in Israel for sixteen months, and elections have taken place three times. Now it is up to...

Morning News – April 20, 2020 News

What is and will be important. The most important thing about the coronavirus Spahn reckons with distance rules "over months". The distance requirement and hygiene rules...

Israel: The deadline has passed – politics

The opposition leader and the prime minister have another 48 hours to negotiate. This would allow Israel to get around the fourth election in...

Israeli health minister contracted coronavirus

Tel Aviv - Israeli health minister Jakov Litzman and his wife have tested positive for the coronavirus. The health ministry said Thursday the two...
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Formation of a government in Israel: Gantz’s Israel would protest

If there was not a curfew in Israel because of the Corona crisis, half of the Israelis would have stormed the streets on Thursday...

Austria shuts down public life amid Coronavirus

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announces a ban on meetings in the country. The Chancellor's Office announced that no place should meet more than five people...

Will the Arabs rush to the polls by buses in September 2019?

The Palestinian vote is very significant in the Israeli general elections. The next elections will be held in September 2019. These elections are the...

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- Just In

America loses Dollar’s supremacy in global trade as Saudi Arabia shifts oil sales

The United States has witnessed the erosion of the dollar's long-held dominance in global trade. The catalyst? Saudi Arabia’s...

“Modi government is covering up the NEET scam” says President of Indian National Congress

The Congress party of India has once again surrounded the Modi government with crucial questions regarding the NEET exam...

Is your libido at half mast? These 6 tips can awaken desire

A French study carried out at the beginning of February 2024 by Ifop highlighted a clear decrease in the frequency of our sexual relations, while more than a quarter of young French people aged 18 to 24 have not...

Got unusual advice from fertility doctor – ‘Drink his sperm’

Ever since Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, the drummer of Blink 182, made their relationship public in February 2021, they have been keen to show the world how deeply in love they are. Over this past year, they have...