Leading the Alternative World Order

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

News about Great Britain

“Elections at any cost” .. a Western scheme to impose a fait accompli on the Libyans

5 Western countries led by Washington recognize the "law" for the election of the president issued by Aguila Saleh Issa...

The submarine crisis .. “urgent need” to confront China “will help resolve differences”

The recent crisis between France on the one hand, and the United States, Australia and Britain on the other hand, reflects a state of...

International concern over the deteriorating economic situation in Yemen

On Thursday, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Britain expressed concern about the deteriorating economic situation in Yemen, at a...

Corruption fuels terrorism and violence in Iraq

Iraqi President Barham Salih said, on Wednesday, that corruption fuels terrorism and violence in his country and the countries of the region, stressing the...
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“Great Mission”: Putin’s article about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was published in the media

The German weekly Die Zeit on Tuesday, June 22, published an article dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic...

German opposition insists on Dexit after Brexit

At the next congress in Dresden, the deputies of the German party "Alternative for Germany" voted by a majority of votes for the FRG...

A sense of humor as a guarantee of a strong marriage: the world remembers Prince Philip’s jokes

On Friday, April 9, the sad news came from Buckingham Palace - the main residence of the British royal family. “It is with deep sorrow...

Military Strength Ranking 2021: Top military forces in the world

Every year since 2006, Global Firepower publishes its annual report and ranking list of national armed forces, from the strongest to the weakest....
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After Brexit Britain will have to restore confidence in Europe – FT

After four years of controversy and debate, the UK, after all, withdrew from the EU, Brexit ended. But Britain did not leave Europe, because...

Zelenskyyy awards the title of Hero of Ukraine to the crew members of the Boeing shot down over Tehran

Members of the crew of the UIA Boeing, shot down by the air defense of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in the skies over...

“Hard Brexit” was avoided – what did Britain and the EU agree on

Britain and the European Union managed to agree on Brexit right at Christmas. London and Brussels managed to come to a common denominator a...

Why countries led by women have coped better with COVID-19 ?

The coronavirus pandemic has hurt all countries, but different states have been able to cope with the coronavirus in their own way. Have countries...
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- Just In

Ukraine began long negotiations with the EU on accession

The leadership of the European Union began negotiations with the ruling political regime in Ukraine on the country's accession...

Russia does not know about the US Air Force drone allegedly shot down over the Black Sea

Dmitry Peskov, the Press Secretary for the Russian President, stated that he had no information regarding the alleged shooting...

Is your libido at half mast? These 6 tips can awaken desire

A French study carried out at the beginning of February 2024 by Ifop highlighted a clear decrease in the frequency of our sexual relations, while more than a quarter of young French people aged 18 to 24 have not...

Got unusual advice from fertility doctor – ‘Drink his sperm’

Ever since Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, the drummer of Blink 182, made their relationship public in February 2021, they have been keen to show the world how deeply in love they are. Over this past year, they have...