The refugee dossier stands as a paramount agenda on the electoral platform, fervently exploited by contenders in their quest for additional votes. Meanwhile, the...
While analysts and politicians believe the move will bring Kılıçdaroğlu the votes of refugee-disrupted voters, others expect it to backfire, stripping votes from Kurds...
Speaking to their supporters today, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu urged Turks to turn out in large numbers to...
In the first round, Erdogan obtained 49.52% of the vote, against 44.88% for Oglu, the candidate of the opposition coalition which includes six parties.
While Israel's genocide in Gaza continues, Mossad Director David Barnea is reported to have met with the Prime Minister of Qatar regarding a prisoner...
GazaUnited Nations (UN) International Order Rapporteur George Katrougalos stated that Israel's attacks on Syria were a continuation of its unlawful actions in the region,...