Kyiv, Ukraine: In a significant escalation of the ongoing conflict, Russia has launched a series of attacks on Ukrainian military sites, including in the...
The Ministry of Reintegration in Ukraine has declared the emergency removal of minors from multiple areas under Kyiv's administration in both the Donetsk and...
ODESSA, Ukraine (TEH) - In a stunning display of military aggression, the Russian army unleashed a series of devastating attacks on infrastructure facilities in...
New York / TEH: The United Nations announced, on Wednesday, that the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, is currently on his...
While Israel's genocide in Gaza continues, Mossad Director David Barnea is reported to have met with the Prime Minister of Qatar regarding a prisoner...
GazaUnited Nations (UN) International Order Rapporteur George Katrougalos stated that Israel's attacks on Syria were a continuation of its unlawful actions in the region,...