Leading the Alternative World Order

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Monday, June 24, 2024

News about Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Russia’s permanent representative to the UN accused Ukraine of destroying the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, speaking at a Security Council meeting on the Kakhovka hydropower plant on Tuesday, accused...

The US CIA was aware of the Ukrainian military’s plans to attack the Nord Stream three months before the sabotage

Three months before the explosion of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, US authorities learned of the Ukrainian...

Water from ‘collapsed’ Ukrainian dam floods land and displaces population

Ukraine accuses Russia of blowing up the dam from within, a deliberate war crime. Russian-appointed officials gave conflicting accounts of the event,...

Destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. What will be the implications for agriculture and energy

Due to the destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, located upstream from Kherson on the Dnieper, water-intensive agriculture is expected to...
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Declaration of emergency.. Dam collapse raises water in Kavkhovka by 10 meters

In a video clip posted on his Telegram channel, Leontyev confirmed that the water level in Novaya Kakhovka had risen 10 meters. And...

The collapse of Nova Kakhovka.. What do we know about the accident so far?

What is the strategic importance of the dam? The dam is located on the Dnipro River, next to the Kakhovka hydroelectric power...

Destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station: flooding, evacuation, consequences. Major

Russian authorities in the Kherson region reported the partial destruction of the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, located along the...

US report: This is how Ukraine planted ‘subversive elements’ inside Russia

People familiar with US intelligence told CNN that US officials believe "those pro-Ukrainian operatives inside Russia carried out a drone attack targeting the...
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“Putin’s call” on the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was broadcast in three regions. Peskov announced a hack

President Vladimir Putin's “emergency call”, broadcast by radio stations in several regions of Russia, is a fake and the result of “hacking”....

Talks Ukraine.. Biden meets with leaders of Denmark and Britain

Britain and Denmark are playing a central role in a new joint international plan, which Biden recently endorsed, after months of resisting calls...

Clashes near Bakhmut.. and bombardment of Dnipro and Kyiv

Ukraine's Supreme Military Command said in its daily report that Russian forces conducted two failed operations around Bakhmut and launched a number of...

“Counterattack” .. What are Ukraine’s options for the first strike?

And while Western reports warned of a drop in the morale of the Ukrainian army due to the loss of Bakhmut, the British...
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Yemen’s Houthis defend sovereignty amidst US-Israeli aggression

In the latest escalation of tensions in the Red Sea region, Yemen's Houthi rebels, part of the Ansar Allah...

Bank of China halts Russian bank operations amid US sanctions

Russian subsidiary of the Bank of China has announced a temporary halt to processing yuan payments from Russian banks...

Is your libido at half mast? These 6 tips can awaken desire

A French study carried out at the beginning of February 2024 by Ifop highlighted a clear decrease in the frequency of our sexual relations, while more than a quarter of young French people aged 18 to 24 have not...

Got unusual advice from fertility doctor – ‘Drink his sperm’

Ever since Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, the drummer of Blink 182, made their relationship public in February 2021, they have been keen to show the world how deeply in love they are. Over this past year, they have...