In one of the largest massacres in the city of Afrin (northwest of Aleppo), the death toll from the fall of rocket-propelled grenades fired by the regime forces on Al-Shifa Hospital, on Saturday, rose to 19 people, including 17 civilians, including women and children, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The observatory said that the “Black Saturday” massacre in the city of Afrin, which is under the influence of the Turkish forces, killed 17 civilians, including a woman and her child, 3 women from the hospital staff, a doctor, another woman and a child, in addition to a leader in the “Olive Branch” factions and a policeman.

He explained that the regime fired rocket-propelled grenades from its positions during the visit and Abyan on the city, in a direct targeting of Al-Shifa Hospital, pointing out that the death toll is likely to rise, as there are more than 25 wounded, some of whom are in serious conditions, including women and children.

The “Saturday massacre”, as described by the observatory, is the largest in terms of human losses since the Black Tuesday massacre less than 14 months ago.

On April 28, 2020, the Syrian Observatory documented the killing of 52 people, including 11 children under the age of eighteen, and 12 fighters from the factions, all of whom were killed as a result of the explosion of a truck carrying fuel tens of meters from the governor’s headquarters in Rajo Street in Afrin city.

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