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Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Conflicts, Military and War"Unsafe conditions for soldiers" temporarily halted construction of the US aid dock off Gaza

“Unsafe conditions for soldiers” temporarily halted construction of the US aid dock off Gaza

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The US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced in a statement, on Friday, that construction work on the floating pier, which the US army is constructing off the coast of Gaza, was temporarily halted on Thursday, “due to sea state considerations.”

The statement added, “Forecasted high winds and high sea swells caused unsafe conditions for Soldiers working on the surface of the partially constructed pier.”

The statement continued, “The partially built pier and military vessels involved in its construction have moved to the Port of Ashdod, where assembly will continue, and will be completed prior to the emplacement of the pier in its intended location when sea states subside.”

On Wednesday, the Pentagon announced that more than 50 percent of the construction work on the floating pier, which aims to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the besieged Palestinian Strip, has been completed.

The start of construction work on the pier was announced on April 25, and US officials say its operation will begin early this month.

US President Joe Biden announced in early March the plan to build the pier, which the Pentagon revealed earlier this week would cost at least $320 million.

This cost, which was not previously disclosed, demonstrates the enormous scale of construction work, which the US Department of Defense said included about a thousand American military personnel, most of them from the Army and Navy.

The dock will initially handle 90 trucks per day, but this number may reach 150 when it is fully operational.

A senior Biden administration official said last week that humanitarian aid coming from the pier would need to pass through Israeli checkpoints on the ground, despite Israel inspecting the aid in Cyprus before it is shipped to the Strip.

Israel wants to prevent any aid from reaching Hamas militants to prevent the strengthening of their war effort.

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Muzaffar Ahmad Noori Bajwa
Muzaffar Ahmad Noori Bajwa
Editor-in-chief, The Eastern Herald. Counter terrorism, diplomacy, Middle East affairs, Russian affairs and International policy expert.

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