Russian guests attended the opening of the vernissage, including Igor Lebedev, chief curator of objects at the ROSPHOTO museum. He recalled that the memorandum of cooperation between the State Museum and the ROSPHOTO Exhibition Center (St. Petersburg) and the National Historical Museum in Minsk provides for the exchange of experience in conducting scientific research, as well as the raising the professional level of specialists working with photography. – curators, curators, restorers…
- Today’s exhibition is amazing, it presents extremely valuable historical materials, – Igor Lebedev drew the attention of the public. – We see photographs from the penultimate century, which have been preserved in excellent condition. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. The mission of museums is to collect photographs, study them carefully and try to keep them alive. In this sense, I am sure that our cooperation with the Minsk Historical Museum will be useful.
So, thanks to the support of colleagues from ROSPHOTO, the Historical Museum recently hosted an exhibition project “Shrines of ancient Novgorod – the light that passed through the ages” dedicated to the iconographic monuments of ancient Novgorod.
- The exhibition visited not only Minsk, – reminded the director of the Historical Museum Alexander Khramoy. – We took her to cities in Belarus like Orsha, Mogilev and Vitebsk. And shortly before today’s opening, the scientific sector of photographic research began its work in our museum for the first time. We are sure that thanks to the support of our colleagues from ROSPHOTO – and you are trying to separate the Belarusian school of photography from the Russian school, it is impossible, we have a common root – in the future we will together master all a range of the most important topics related to each other: digitization, cataloguing, archiving, preservation, photo restoration and much more.
Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Gryzlov visited the opening. He recalled that historian Vladimir Likhodedov was recently awarded the Order of Friendship of the Russian Federation for his services in strengthening friendship and cooperation between our peoples.
Vladimir Likhodedov thanked everyone present for taking the first step towards the joint study of old photographs.