According to the folk calendar, April 6 is the day of Artemon, the Orthodox Church remembers Saint Artemy, Bishop of Thessaloniki, who was born and lived in Seleucia of Pisidia, one of the largest cities of the ancient world on the territory of modern Iraq.
What you should not do:
Do not leave trash or damage. You can’t refuse dinner, an evening feast with your family. You cannot go to visit or invite guests, everything is in the family circle. On this day you can not knit, do other needlework. You can’t think about profit, money, count money. You can’t plan things.
The lark sings in the heat, the chaffinch in the cold. The snow has gone – there will be a good harvest of buckwheat. Until the first thunder, the frogs do not croak. If spring started today, there will still be frost ahead. If it is warm at night, spring will be good. If today the snow no longer lies, it will not appear, otherwise it will remain for a long time. The heat of that day promised the imminent start of summer.
Name day: Artemy, Vladimir, Zacharias, Martin, Parthenius, Peter, Sever / Sever, Sennufiy, Stepan, Yakov.