The Russian part of the Russian-Chinese Environmental Council, with the help of Chinese colleagues from the Cooperation Center for Environmental Protection within the SCO under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the PRC, prepared and published the fifth volume of a collection of translations of environmental legislation of the PRC in the field of combating environmental pollution and climate change in Russian.
This book focuses on two areas. The first part of the Collection presents regulations on environmental protection in specific sectors of the economy, including the coal and chemical industries, the construction industry and others.
Each of the sectors of the economy has its specific impact on the environment and its various environmental issues. The legislative experience of the PRC makes it possible to develop an individual approach to the regulation of sectors of the economy and can be useful both for the improvement of Russian legislation in this area and for the practical implementation of projects of cooperation with Chinese partners.
The second part of the Collection is devoted to economic measures aimed at stimulating enterprises in the field of environmental protection and to types of liability in the event of violation of environmental legislation. This half of the book includes documents on the procedure for financing environmental activities, the provision of tax incentives, support through green bonds, administrative sanctions and the procedure for compensating environmental damage, etc.
Chinese regulations aimed at strengthening environmental protection through both incentives and penalties show effective ways to make businesses environmentally friendly.
The Environment Council provides copies of the Compendium free of charge to specialist specialists from federal and regional executive authorities, research and educational institutes, businesses and professional associations in order to disseminate knowledge in the field of environmental regulation.
We hope that the Collection will be of interest to Russian readers and make it possible to take advantage of China’s advanced experience in the field of environmental protection in various industries and methods of supporting “green” enterprises.
If you would like to receive the collection, please send information about the recipient and the desired number of collections to the Executive Secretary of the Russian part of the Russian-Chinese Ecological Council, Project Manager of the Directorate of International Cooperation En + Group Natalia Anatolyevna Teplova ([email protected] ).
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