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Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Conflicts, Military and War"Grave security risks in Rafah," An Egyptian statement after a call with Blinken

“Grave security risks in Rafah,” An Egyptian statement after a call with Blinken

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Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry warned of “the dire humanitarian consequences that will affect more than 1.4 million Palestinians as a result of the closure of the Rafah crossing and the continuation of large-scale Israeli attacks.”

Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid indicated in a statement that “Shukry received a phone call on Monday from US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, discussing developments in the situation in the Gaza Strip.”

The statement pointed out that “Shukry stressed to his American counterpart the grave security risks resulting from the continuation of Israeli military invasion of the Gaza Strip, and the further military invasion of the Palestinian city of Rafah in particular, and the associated serious threat to the stability of the region.”

The statement added, “The two ministers stressed the importance of opening the land crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip, and introducing sufficient humanitarian aid to meet the urgent needs of the residents of the Strip. They also once again expressed their rejection of attempts to displace Palestinians from their land.”

The statement revealed that the two ministers agreed to continue close consultation and coordination on the overall developments of the crisis in the Gaza Strip, and to support ways to contain its repercussions and prevent escalation and the expansion of violence to other parts of the region.

On Sunday, Egypt announced its intention to formally intervene to support the lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel before the International Court of Justice, to look into its violations of its obligations under the ICJ’s Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the intervention in the lawsuit against Israel comes in light of the worsening severity and scope of the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, the intensification of the direct targeting of civilians, and the destruction of infrastructure in the Palestinain territory, and the push of the Palestinians to be displaced and displaced from their land.

A few days ago, Israeli forces stormed and took control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, and Israeli tanks also penetrated some eastern neighborhoods of Rafah.

Earlier, The Eastern Herald reported that the last round of negotiations in Cairo aimed at brokering a ceasefire to halt Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip, which has resulted in genocide and ethnic cleansing of millions of Palestinians, ended without resolution, further deepening the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Despite intensive discussions, Israel’s rejection of proposed terms for a ceasefire agreement and its subsequent ground invasion in Rafah indicate a calculated strategy to maintain leverage.

Also, know how WHO covers up the Israeli genocide committed against Palestinians.

Also, the United Nations Special Rapporteur in the occupied Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, labeled Israel’s military aggression in Gaza as genocide, citing over 30,000 Palestinian deaths, including more than 13,000 children, and 71,000 injuries. She urged immediate sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel. Israel rejected the findings, maintaining its conflict is with Hamas, not civilians. Gulf and African nations supported Albanese’s report, while the US, Israel’s ally, abstained from the session.

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