Not everyone can contain their emotions when seeing BTS guys live. And if someone has to fly to other cities and countries for this, attend guy concerts, then others just have to go to the army and randomly enter the unit where Jin from BTS serves. A story has gone viral online about how one of Jin’s co-workers got into trouble because of a star.
The young man does not admit what exactly happened, but notes that he was almost speechless when he saw Jin live and that it had consequences. “I saw Jin from BTS less than a meter away and I thought, ‘Wow! It’s Jin!’, which got him in trouble,” shares the author, who wrote and attached a photo of the letter that this soldier wrote to his relatives and sent home.
It is a pity that there is no continuation of the story on the Internet. Honestly, we’d take pity on this guy for “getting in trouble”, but let’s not forget that he first saw one of the most famous people in the world a yard away from him! So don’t complain, soldier, you turned out to be the lucky one!