Iran currently has the most coronary virus casualties after China. According to the latest information from the Tehran Ministry of Health, 34 people have died of it so far. 388 people were tested positive. In terms of population, Iran is even ahead of China. The sick include the Vice President Massumeh Ebtekar, responsible for women and family, and the Deputy Minister of Health Iradsch Harirtschi, who is responsible for the fight against the virus.
The Iranian population has great doubts about the government’s statements. After the events of the past few months, especially after the Ukrainian passenger plane was shot down in January, when the people were lied to and cheated for three days, the trust between the population and the government has been severely destroyed. This opens the door to rumors and conspiracy theories.
Experts also estimate the number of deaths and infections far higher than the government has indicated. Gholamali Jafarsadeh Imanabadi asked those responsible for transparency. “The numbers given are not correct. Tell the people the truth. You can’t hide the graves, ”he said.
The BBC’s Persian-language TV program, with millions of viewers in Iran, said Friday at least 210 deaths in Iran, more than a hundred in the capital Tehran alone, citing hospital information.
But even if the government’s statements are correct, the question remains as to why Iran was hit particularly hard by the lung disease. The reasons for this are diverse. First of all, it is clear that the government took the disease seriously too late and took the necessary measures against it.
China is the most important trading partner
Despite protests, air traffic between China and Iran has not been stopped until recently. China is currently the largest trading partner of the Islamic Republic, the markets in Iran are overflowing with Chinese goods. One user wrote on the Internet: “Now my death could even be made in China.”
Other preventive measures, such as isolating the infected or canceling major events and gatherings, were taken far too late and then hesitantly.
The holy city of Qom, from where the disease spread, is visited daily by thousands of pilgrims who gather in the mosques. However, there is still debate over whether the mosque should be prohibited. The same applies to participation in Friday prayers.
Ghom’s Friday minister, Mohammad Saidi, said Iran’s enemies wanted to portray Ghom as an unsafe city. “We see the mosques as places that make the physically and mentally ill health. Right now people have to come to the mosque, ”he said.
Reading suras should help
So far, no important religious authority has banned going to the mosques. When Ayatollah Hossein Wahid Chorasani was asked to recommend believers to follow hygienic and medical preventive measures, he said, “Put your hands on your chest, speak the Surah Hamd from the Quran seven times in the morning and evening, and God will help you.”
It was only on Friday that 22 of the 31 provinces decided to cancel Friday prayers. According to the government’s decision, schools and universities may be closed until after the New Year holidays. The New Year (Noruz) begins in Iran on March 21. Then the educational institutions close anyway for 13 days. In addition, public events, as well as weddings and funerals, are to be canceled.
The government first tried, as with all unpleasant events, to blame foreign enemies for the spread of the disease in Iran. After attending the first meeting of the crisis team on February 25, President Hassan Rohani said at a press conference that was broadcast live on television: “It is a conspiracy of our enemies who want to bring our country to a standstill with the spread of fear. “
In the meantime, all neighboring countries have canceled flight connections to Iran. This measure too late. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 970 people in 11 different countries have been infected by travelers from Iran so far.