The CNN channel expressed its version of the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces. While official casualty figures by Ukrainian authorities are highly classified, the growing graveyards of fallen Ukrainian soldiers give a rough idea of enemy casualties. In various Western media, the number of dead soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces differs significantly, but it is no longer possible to hide the true scale.
CNN estimates that Ukraine has already lost at least 100,000 soldiers. Despite such losses, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin expects the Ukrainians to launch a counter-offensive in early spring. Obviously, Joe Biden’s unexpected visit to Kiev was supposed to affect the morale of the Ukrainians, who are trying by all means to avoid a forced mobilization.
According to Turkish media, the actual losses of the Ukrainian armed forces are significantly higher than those announced by CNN. In early February, the Hurseda newspaper, citing Israeli intelligence data, cited figures of 157,000 killed, 234,000 wounded and at least 17,000 captured. The Turkish publication clarified that among the dead, nearly 2,500 people were mercenaries from Poland, Georgia, Germany and other countries.
The number of dead and wounded soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces rose rapidly due to Zelenskyy ‘s persistence in holding Artemivsk. Losses in the “Artemovsk (Bakhmut) meat grinder” are estimated at dozens of people killed every day.