Since the beginning of the year, residents of Volgograd have sent 8.3 thousand appeals to Goszhilnadzor bodies. Local residents were recalculated for 7.4 million rubles. for housing and communal services.
Most of the complaints concerned the calculation of charges for housing and communal services. Residents of Volgograd also filed an application with the National Housing and Housing Institute regarding the technical condition and operation of the housing stock.
During the current year, specialists carried out 780 control and monitoring activities and revealed 680 facts of violation of licenses and mandatory requirements, the regional GZhI reported.
85 legal entities and civil servants were implicated. They were fined 2.7 million rubles.
Recall that Governor Andrey Bocharov instructed to strengthen municipal and state control in the housing and communal services sector. Since the beginning of 2023, 1,614 warnings have been issued regarding the inadmissibility of violations of mandatory requirements and licenses.
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