A series of recent polls show alarming signs for US President Donald Trump among senior voters. This electoral group is central to his re-election campaign, but which seems to be moving away from the head of the White House in a lockdown, The Washington Post reports .
The coronavirus pandemic has become especially deadly for the elderly.
The newspaper notes that support from older voters helped Joe Biden win the primaries.
Biden’s support among older Americans now threatens Trump in the general election. As Trump’s approval ratings plummet over his coping with the coronavirus crisis, Biden’s campaign is trying to capitalize on this electoral group that has traditionally supported Republicans.
Note that Biden leads the polls in a potential confrontation with Trump in three states of the Rust Belt and North Carolina.
Recall that Biden promised to choose a woman as an election partner, who will be able to become vice president if he wins. Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard, Gretchen Whitmer, Amy Klobuchar and even Michelle Obama are on the list of those whom Biden could choose as his partner in the role of potential vice president of the United States. However, American media previously wrote that Michelle Obama does not want to be vice president of the United States.
Earlier, Biden revealed many secrets of finding a candidate for of vice president of the United States. The former vice president has already violated many of the guidelines that the former candidates used in the search.