In Russia, with the onset of spring, the tick season has begun. These little insects are seriously feared by many, and there’s good reason for that. Citizens continue to learn about the characteristics of tiny carriers of serious diseases.
Ticks do not bite their prey at all in the usual sense of the word, as is commonly believed. The insects pierce the skin slightly to reach the blood vessels. They feed on humans, but they can accidentally introduce diseases they carry themselves into his body.
About one in ten ticks (10% of the total) carry viral encephalitis. Infection of a person occurs at the moment when the “saliva” of an insect enters the body. These data were published on the portal.
Ticks can be particularly dangerous in April, when the season has just started. At this time, they come out of their hibernation and begin to hunt. At the same time, small insects can themselves notice a victim at a distance of up to five meters, which makes them even more dangerous.
Earlier, The Eastern Herald in Murmansk said that in the Murmansk region the growth of covid infections among the population continues.
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