Blitz Sultan Khamzaev said Russia needs to move away from the “pro-Western vector” in the education system.
Deputy Sultan Khamzaev (“United Russia”) proposed to exclude English from the list of compulsory subjects in schools. According to him, this will make it possible to move away from the pro-Western vector in Russian education. He noted that neither in the United States nor in European countries the Russian language is among the compulsory subjects.
According to Khamzaev, the English language only became international because it “definitely got into the curriculum like this”:
“We have been turning children’s eyes to the West since childhood. Where is the Russian language compulsory in the educational program of the United States or Great Britain? Why? When there is a world as big as China, Saudi Arabia, Latin America, India,” he added.
At the same time, the deputy noted that today in the school program “with difficulty” there is a place for initial military training. And classic subjects such as astronomy and drawing were forgotten.
Sultan Khamzaev.
According to Khamzaev, schools should first of all think about the health and psychological state of the child: physical education, psychology, additional socialization activities of the child.
“The country needs strong specialists in various fields, and mainly technical ones, and not just polyglots who only know English,” he concluded.
Khamzaev believes the school curriculum “steers” children towards Western values, including with the help of compulsory English among subjects.
Earlier, the State Duma proposed a way to motivate Russian schoolchildren to take their studies more seriously: transfer money to students for five on the Pushkin card.
In addition, the Russian authorities are considering the possibility of using child labor in the production of products for the needs of a special operation without parental consent. A similar initiative was taken by the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region from the Communist Party Tatyana Ivashchenko.
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